RCR 082: Practice CISSP Exam Questions - CISSP Training and Study!

Mar 07, 2020
CISSP Cyber Training
RCR 082: Practice CISSP Exam Questions - CISSP Training and Study!


Shon Gerber from ShonGerber.com provides you the information and knowledge you need to prepare and pass the CISSP Exam while providing the tools you need to enhance your cybersecurity career.  Shon utilizes his expansive knowledge while providing superior training from his years of training people in cybersecurity.   

In this episode, Shon will provide CISSP training for Domain 8 (Software Development Security) of the CISSP Exam.  His extensive training will cover all of the CISSP domains. 

BTW - Get access to all my CISSP Training Courses here at:  https://shongerber.com/ 

CISSP Exam Questions 

Question:  128 

In what type of software testing does the tester have access to the underlying source code? 

  1. A) Static testing
  2. B) Dynamic testing
  3. C) Cross-site scripting testing
  4. D) Black box testing 

Static testing 

In order to conduct a static test, the tester must have access to the underlying source code.  

From <https://www.brainscape.com/flashcards/software-development-security-976024/packs/1774328>   


Question:  129 

What portion of the change management process allows developers to prioritize tasks? 

  1. A) Release control
  2. B) Configuration control
  3. C) Request control
  4. D) Change audit 

Request control 

The request control provides users with a framework to request changes and developers with the opportunity to prioritize those requests.  

From <https://www.brainscape.com/flashcards/software-development-security-976024/packs/1774328>  


Question:  130 

Which one of the following key types is used to enforce referential integrity between database tables? 

  1. A) Candidate key
  2. B) Primary key
  3. C) Foreign key
  4. D) Super key 

Foreign key 

Foreign keys are used to enforce referential integrity constraints between tables that participate in a relationship.  

From <https://www.brainscape.com/flashcards/software-development-security-976024/packs/1774328>  


Want to find Shon elsewhere on the internet? 

LinkedIn – www.linkedin.com/in/shongerber 

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/CyberRiskReduced/ 



welcome to the reduced Severus podcast episode 82 cissp exam questions domain reduce cyber risk podcast where we provide you the training tools you need to pass the cissp exam while enhancing your cybersecurity career hi my name is Sean Gerber and I'm your host action-packed informative podcast you need to grow your cybersecurity knowledge so that you're better prepared to pass the cissp exam all right hey there hope everybody's doing well as beautiful day again this is coming out on a Saturday there's this podcast and you enjoy this great wonderful the exams and that you are getting prepped to take it if you have not already done so so again this is a great software questions are great questions you can look at this fall help you study for the cissp I guess you probably can't look at them but you can listen to them that this better yet so I've got my note show notes don't really have them available for you to look at but you actually can do them and see them on Sean gerber.com I have jobs of questions there and they kiss to be more and more all the time so the song gerber.com it's got some great stuff by the way if you go to sis are Shawn Garber., I have Chief Information Security Officer training that's free for only my podcast listeners it's only for my podcast listeners and it's going to be available for you you will have to give your e-mail address sorry about that but got to have a way to help provide more content for you in the future so you'll need to make sure you go to Sean gerber.com then go ahead and you'll build a fire to my training products it's a ciso training so that will be available for you again though it will go away it will it will go away I have I'm creating the product and I'd like to have you all just be able to use it for my podcast listeners and then eventually it will be the doors will be shut and it will be at $150 for this training so again that's that's going to change over time it now while it's free so alright so a cissp exam questions domain 8 let's roll into the question number Uno one is my Spanish skills are really good I know they are there just no actually quit terrible what and what type of my dogs licking my arm sorry what type of software testing does the tester have access to the underlying source code in what type of software testing does the tester have access to the underlying source code a static testing be dynamic testing C cross-site scripting testing the Black Box testing cross-site scripting testing and black box testing do you throw those out right make sense of this question static and dynamic and what is it static testing in order conduct static test on tester month Escape escape the Lakes will be in the shorts and you can check those out there all right what portion of change management process allows developers to prioritize tasks 8 release control B configuration ctrl-c request control D change audit what portion of the change management process allows developer to prioritize tasks please control B configuration ctrl-c request control D change on it and the answer is request ctrl-c that's the answer Metro provides users with a framework to request changes and developers with the Opera guys those requests question question that is types is used to enforce referential Integrity between database tables a candidate key primary key foreign key I like super cute but it's not right all right so which one of the following key types is used to enforce referential Integrity between database tables can they key be primary key foreign key. four keys are used to enforce referential Integrity constraints between tables that participate in a relationship game what that means of the foreign key piece of it SI brickseek.com you can get check out those links our last little thing podcast website Sean gerber.com s h o n like the baby food.com and you can find my ciso training as free for my podcast listeners just go ahead give me your email address for my gmail address and I will get you access to the CIA alright have a wonderful day it will catch thanks so much for joining me today on my podcast head over to Shawn gerber.com and look at all the free content that I have available for you there is a cissp mini course free cissp exam questions podcast and so much more it's all available to my email subscriber so sign up if you want my first they help you with your cissp need so you can pass the test the first time thanks so much for listening will catch you on the flip side CPI

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