RCR 054-2: CISSP Exam Questions focused on Compliance and RIM - CISSP Training and Study!
Jan 04, 2020
Shon Gerber from ShonGerber.com provides you the information and knowledge you need to prepare and pass the CISSP Exam while providing the tools you need to enhance your cybersecurity career. Shon utilizes his expansive knowledge while providing superior training from his years of training people in cybersecurity.
In this episode, Shon will talk about questions for Domain 7 (Security Operations) of the CISSP Exam.
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A group of technologies which aggregate information about access controls and selected system activity to store for analysis and correlation:
- A. Intrusion prevention system (IPS)
- B. Chain of custody
- C. Security information and event management (SIEM)
- D. Indemnification
CORRECT ANSWER - C. Security information and event management (SIEM)
States that when a crime is committed, the perpetrators leave something behind and take something with them, hence the exchange:
- A. Balanced magnetic switch (BMS)
- B. Data leak prevention
- C. Records and information management (RIM)
- D. Locard's exchange principle
CORRECT ANSWER - D. Locard's exchange principle
Essential activities to protect business information and can be established in compliance with laws, regulations, or corporate governance:
- A. Protocol anomaly-based IDS
- B. Smart cards
- C. Time domain reflectometry (TDR)
- D. Records and information management (RIM)
CORRECT ANSWER - D. Records and information management (RIM)
A technology that monitors activity like an IDS but will automatically take proactive preventative action if it detects unacceptable activity:
- A. Intrusion prevention systems
- B. Intrusion detection systems
- C. Data leak prevention systems
- D. Infrared linear beam sensors
CORRECT ANSWER - A. Intrusion detection systems
- ISC2 Training Study Guide
- TechTarget
welcome to the reduce cyber risk podcast where we provide you the training and tools you need to pass the cissp exam while enhancing your cybersecurity career hi my name is Sean Gerber and I'm your host of this action-packed informative podcast join me each week cuz I provide the information you need to grow your cybersecurity knowledge so that you're better prepared to pass the cissp exam Halo stronger with reduce cyber risk and I hope you all are having a beautiful blessed day life is good here in the plains of Kansas yes we are Christmas holiday season also we are coming up on the first of the year and it is a wonderful time yes I did so hopefully it'll snow but then I can actually use my snowblower which I bought five years ago and if used it once and if you all live in the colder places of this country are the world you know snow blowers are awesome but they're not so awesome if you spent a lot of money on them and you never get to use them and they're not so awesome there just a Big Mac cost but hopefully I'll get to use them this winter every great at least for a couple days cuz I really don't like cold but yeah doing winter survival and in Winter survival you get basically dropped up in the cold tundra in the middle of Washington state which is like really really cold and you're stuck out there in your clothes and then basically are walking around in the snow trying to find your way through the woods and I guess really cold your feet are like really cold and your little crawling through snow yet a lot of fun just don't recommend persistent I don't like the cult just really hate it it's just a little bit of PTSD move back there alright so we hurried RCR e26 cissp exam questions on their domain number 7 alright so question 1 a group of Technologies which aggregate information about access control and selected system activity store for analysis and correlation again a group of Technologies which aggregate information about access control selected system activity to store for analysis and correlation write a intrusion prevention system IPS B chain of custody see security information event management dim the station they're like big lawyer words so you can I go home but it says a group of technology so if you know what's a group of technologies will then the lawyer words you don't necessarily need like chain-of-custody indemnity you know what I mean you break it down into two now you get IPL Sim security information event management intrusion-prevention beyaz chain-of-custody CU Sim security information event management D is indemnification is drum roll please one of those things that puts everything together and tells you that you got bad guys in your environment alright so this all these get these questions are coming from techtarget at target.com as well as the IC Square training manuals that I have available that are available as well alright question number two states that when a crime is committed that perpetrators leave something behind and take take something with them hence the exchange balance magnetic switch BMS BMS be a data leak prevention see records and information management ordie locard's exchange principle okay so States when a crime is committed the perpetrators leave something behind and take something with them hence the exchange deleting something behind their log activity they're taking taking your data right Santeria is locard's exchange principle they were a diamond Outlook card is honestly never heard of it didn't hear about it till I read it so then if you guys hear a train in the background is because I'm next to a train and the train is making noise today so all right so question 3 activities to protect business information and can be established in compliance with laws regulations or corporate governance essential activities to protect business information and can be established in compliance with laws regulations or corporate governance a protocol or not call anomaly based IDs be as smart cards cease time domain reflectometry C I came and sat word records and information management rim is protocol anomaly based IDs be as smart cards CU time domain reflectometry reflect reflect thermometry pictures and information management so you know if it's that big of a word it's got to be right it's got to be that one right call TVR sottr it is records and information management that is the answer D records and information management alright question number for the last question for the day technology that monitors activity like in IDs but will automatically take proactive preventive action if it detects unacceptable activity intrusion prevention systems yes intrusion detection systems IDs prevention systems DLP infrared linear beam sensors don't even know how that is a intrusion prevention systems detection systems see data leak prevention systems infrared linear beam sensors that have got a tractor beam on you get it answer is intrusion detection system all right I hope you all had a wonderful day here on The Decemberists podcast and you can all this great material that I've got love for you at Sean gerber.com you just go to that website you'll be able to find some good stuff there is a plethora or a cornucopia of training available specifically for you and your needs all right go out there check it out and we are there to help you pass the cissp the first time not like me II but the first time catch you on the flip side for joining me today on my podcast the feedback also check out my cissp videos that you can find out on YouTube just search for Shawn s h o n Gerber like the baby food toilet or whatever you choose and then you will find a plethora of content to help you pass the cissp exam the first time lastly head over to Sean gerber.com and look at the Cornucopia free cissp materials available
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